A Story about Indoor Air Quality….

Our team was called to evaluate a building with the following complaint from the tenant: “it smells like a gym.” At the time, the system was maintained by a large and very reputable company in the area, but the tenants could not convince this company to take their complaints seriously. Upon arrival, our technician discovered that two separate tenants shared the same floor and the same HVAC system.  The return air duct was on the side of the building occupied by a children’s martial arts studio.  They had removed the grill for the return air duct and placed a shoe rack in the space. Further questioning of the complaining tenants revealed that workers had been suffering from various illnesses such as allergies, colds, etc. The odor issue was easily explained by the smelly shoes in the return air duct.  It is no surprise that health issues were a problem, however, no one even thought to connect the workers health problems to the indoor air quality in the work environment.

“We are not here to pull the wool over your eyes, we are here to open your eyes.”  - Jeff Shdo

We use our knowledge and experience to point out obvious problems and dig deeper to uncover less obvious problems.

The Environmental Protection Agency

5 Indoor Air Quality Categories of Concern

Health Issues

Mold toxicity is on the rise.  We live in an environment where mold thrives.  All of us living in the Pacific Northwest need to be aware that mold in your home is a HUGE concern.  If you have a leak or there is a “water event” in your home, the likelihood that mold will follow is extremely high.  If you have one or more mold colonies living in your home, you are not only being exposed to mold spores, but mycotoxins as well.  Mycotoxins are chemical agents given off by certain types of mold in an effort to “defend their territory.”  Humans and pets in a home with mold end up in what can turn into a deadly cross fire that can’t be smelled, tasted or seen by the naked eye.  To put things into perspective, some mycotoxins have been used in chemical warfare.

Here are a list of other contaminates in a home that can cause health issues: allergens, asbestos, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, lead, pesticides, radon, smoke, cleaning products.

Learn more about environmental toxins:

We take Indoor Air Quality Seriously

We partner with RGF Environmental Group to bring you top quality products for air purification.  Help your home or workplace fight germs, mold, odors, and volatile organic compounds (VOC’s) as well as reduce airborne particles.  RGF’s patented technology produces airborne gaseous hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), which has been proven to be safe and effective at cleansing indoor air.

Joe Allen with Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health says,

“Think about the public health gains we’ve made over the past hundred years. We’ve made improvements to water quality, outdoor air pollution, our food safety, we’ve made improvements to sanitation: absolute basics of public health,” Allen said. “Where has indoor air been in that conversation? It’s totally forgotten about. And the pandemic showed what a glaring mistake that was.”

Watch the full interview here:

(13 minutes long)

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